

Girl, Interrupted (Script)

Have you ever confused
a dream with life?

Or stolen something
when you have the cash?

Have you ever been blue?

Or thought your train moving
while sitting still?

Maybe l was just crazy.

Maybe it was the ' s.

Or maybe l was just a girl...

... interrupted.


You shouId check my hand.
There's no bones in it.

Sometimes it's hard...

...for me to stay in one...



... if you had no bones
in your hand...

...how did you pick up the aspirin?

How did you pick up the aspirin
if you had no bones in your hand?
ExpIain it to me.

ExpIain what?

ExpIain to a doctor that the Iaws
of physics can be suspended?

That what goes up
may not come down?


...that time...

...can move backwards and forwards...

...and now to then and back again...

...and you can't controI it?

Why can't you controI it?


Why can't you controI time?


Are you stoned?

Do you smoke pot?

Take LSD?

No drugs?

How do you feeI right now?


...don't know.

I don't know what I'm feeIing.

You need a rest.

WeII, I'II go home, take a nap.

No. You need to go somewhere
where you can get a genuine rest.

And you're very Iucky.

The best pIace
for someone Iike you...

...is Iess than
a haIf an hour from here...

