



 接著,生活裡有更多事情令你分心。這幾年聽音樂十之八九是翻出舊有專輯來聽,聽來聽去老是那幾張。尤其是八0年代最好聽,或許是因為摻攪了青春記憶的香氣。而近年覺得好聽的聲音,THE POSTAL SERVICE算是其中之一。一時心血來潮忽然想去查查他們的巡迴表演,結果點到他們自己官網,卻發現他們近日參與了一個相當有意義的活動,來串聯轉貼一下。

 這又是一個將音樂結合公共議題的範例(關於音樂可以如何改變世界,請大家移駕至熱門部落格聲音與憤怒做更進一步的了解)。他們以download mp3的方式做募款活動,其實和歷來以往如舉辦慈善義演活動,捐出門票或合輯收入等都相當類似。最大的差別是載體改變了。從購買CD變成download mp3(付費)。人們對於社會關懷的議題及關注是不曾改變的。詳情可點上方BANNER。官網上有各種Banner,Buttons,Skyscrapers可供串聯使用。我也會將這個活動轉寄給我身旁的朋友們。

“Music speaks the language of freedom, revolution and solidarity. Without that freedom – without music that is angry, joyful and necessary – we are nothing.” - Yoko Ono

Make Some Noise is a global venture by Amnesty International that mixes music, celebration and action to protect individuals wherever freedom, justice and equality are denied. Thanks to an extraordinary gift from Yoko Ono – the recording rights to “Imagine” and John Lennon’s entire solo songbook – we are harnessing the power of music to inspire a new generation to stand up for human rights.

As a solo artist, John Lennon’s unique talent and passionate campaign for world peace made him one of the most influential activists the world has ever seen. "Peace is no violence, no frustration, no fear," claimed Lennon – and with this lyrical mantra, he strived to promote the issues he believed in, inspiring change through music which both provoked and united communities. In a world plagued by war and poverty Lennon's message is just as relevant today as it was it was first written.

Our aim is to attract one million new supporters worldwide. We’re not here to talk about the past, tug on the heartstrings or show images of suffering. We’re here to make a positive impact on our world and collectively raise our voices to make as much noise as we can for human rights.

