

[diary] Your love personality type...

Your love personality type
That means you are more Extroverted than Introverted, Intuitive than Sensing, Thinking than Feeling, and more Judging than Perceiving. Understanding your combination of these traits will help you understand why you get along with some people and not others. And what types of people you should seek out for fulfilling relationships. But what do these terms really mean? And how do they affect your relationships with other people? You're about to find out.

Originally, the personality dimensions you see above were derived from the work of renowned psychologist Carl Jung. He and other psychological "typing" experts made great strides in finding out the factors that cause people to interrelate the way that they do.

In the professional world, looking at people's personality types has become standard in many corporations. Such assessments help managers find out how people work best, what types of co-workers they're apt to get along with, and what tasks they might be best suited for.

Now Tickle's experts have taken this information a step further to create a personality test to help you in all aspects of your life. Below you'll find out more about the special qualities that make you who you are and learn which of the 16 personality types you match up with best in your relationships.

Your love type: Why it might be different from personality types you've gotten on other tests
Tickle understands. We're complex creatures. As a result, the personality you express in the workplace may be far different from your personality in the other aspects of your life. That's because most people's personalities are situation-dependent. So although you might be a hard-nosed strategist in the office, you might find that you're a sympathetic softie when it comes to your personal relationships.

This test is designed to help you get a better handle on your personality type in your personal life. You can discover who you are in your relationships and learn the types of people that you're liable to connect with best. If you want to gain a more accurate snapshot of your personality type when it comes to work, try taking Tickle's Classic Career Test. Then compare your results to see how you're different in the different contexts!

The personality traits that define who you are in love

Below is a chart demonstrating all of the 16 possible love personality types. Your type was determined by looking at your scores on four standard dimensions or scales: Introversion/Extraversion, Sensing/Intuition, Thinking/Feeling, and Judging/Perceiving.

None of these eight traits is better or worse than any other. They all just give clues about who you are in your relationships and whom you're likely to get along with best.

A closer look at the dimensions
The most important thing to remember about the dimensions is that just because you are an Extrovert doesn't mean you don't also have some Introvert characteristics. The fact that you are an Extravert simply means that you have more Extravert characteristics than Introvert ones. The same goes for the other dimensions. Therefore, when you take a look at your relationship personality type, know that you probably possess some tendencies of the other dimensions as well. It's just that more often than not, you have a tendency to approach the world on one side of the scale than the other — as an Extravert instead of as an Introvert for example. Below is more information on each of these dimensions and how you score on each of them.

(I)ntroversion/ (E)xtraversion: This dimension describes how you approach and interact with the world and how you typically direct your energy.

Introversion Extraversion

Most times, people simply associate introverts with being shy and extraverts with being loud. These descriptions are not entirely correct because those two qualities are only part of what determines whether someone is an introvert or an extravert. For example, typically, to an extravert, the outside world represents both excitement and opportunity. Extraverts often think and perform better in front of others. Also, because an extravert's energy is often directed outwards, extroverts like being around people most of the time. Introverts, on the other hand, usually direct their energy inwards and often need alone time to replenish their energy stores.

When it comes to communication, introverts will tend to formulate their thoughts before they speak up. Extraverts will often think and talk at the same time, saying whatever comes into their heads. This more immediate approach makes extraverts spontaneous, but it can also get them into hot water. Socially, introverts prefer more intimate settings where they have the chance to get to know fewer people on a deeper basis. Extraverts typically feel that in social situations, the more the merrier. As mentioned above — not every introvert or extravert will display every trait tied to this dimension. In fact, people are apt to display a mix of traits.

I(N)tuition/ (S)ensing: This dimension demonstrates how people tend to process information.

Intuition Sensing

What kinds of information do you naturally notice? That's the main question this scale answers. Sensors tend to focus on concrete information. Intuitives tend to focus on possibilities. By using their five senses to gather data, sensors trust what can be seen, heard, touched, tasted, or felt. By staying attuned to their five senses, sensors are also apt to focus on the present and to have great attention to detail. If you are looking for accurate information, ask a sensor.

Intuitives, on the other hand, are more imaginative types who tend to look for deeper, abstract meanings in the world around them. They do this by inferring things from the data that's in front of them. For example, when presented with information, intuitives usually enjoy pondering over implications of those facts and anticipating future consequences. Intuitives aren't often interested in details and tend to see the big picture of a situation faster than sensors.

(F)eeling/ (T)hinking: This dimension demonstrates how you make decisions.

Feeling Thinking

The way each one of us makes decisions is influenced by whether we are primarily thinkers or feelers. Thinkers value analytical thinking and tend to be methodical and logical when evaluating their options. Thinkers pride themselves on being objective, rather than letting their subjective feelings or opinions enter into their decisions. Feelers often see thinkers as being somewhat cold. Feelers have a very different decision making process. Theirs takes into account how others will be affected alongside of the objective facts. By putting people's individual situations in the forefronts of their minds, feelers are more likely to make exceptions to rules than thinkers are. Feelers are highly empathic, and sometimes this bent can make them seem too emotional to thinkers.

(P)erceiving/ (J)udging: The last dimension describes whether you prefer closure or openness.

Perceiving Judging

The final dimension describes whether you prefer closure or openness in your life's situations. For instance, because of their high need for control, judgers like structure and order in the world around them. Judgers are typically organized people who focus on goals and accomplish what they set out to do.

On the other end of the spectrum are perceivers who usually prefer to experience the world spontaneously. Oftentimes a perceiver can't tell you their schedule from one day to the next because they don't know what's going to happen. Perceivers usually like keeping their options open and can pride themselves on adapting to whatever situation they confront. Judgers are most excited when they have finished a project. Perceivers tend to be most excited when a new endeavor begins.

Now that you know more about each of the dimensions, we can give you more information about your specific four-letter personality type. This type was derived from your answers on the Love Personality test.

Your love type
About 3-5% of the U.S. population possesses the combination of traits that make up this personality type.

Being an ENTJ means that you've got a bit of a rebellious streak in you. So rather than being the kind who follows, you'll usually choose to lead the pack. You also appear to love a challenge more than most others do. So if somebody wants something done, all they have to do is tell you that it's impossible. You're apt to show them then and there how you can make it happen. You're not one to be easily discouraged in any aspect of your life. So if someone catches your eye, you'll likely find a way to get to know them come hell or high water. You're not just a dreamer. You're a doer.

In relationships, you usually have a clear sense of where you want things to lead. You also know how to take charge of a situation to help things go your way. You can exude a personal strength and confidence that really wins people over. Your friendly, outgoing nature also makes most people quite happy to follow your lead. Perhaps they're empowered or inspired by your self-esteem and can-do thinking.

Possessing a generous spirit allows you to be happy for others' successes as well as your own. You also know how to play coach if someone is lagging behind. These traits can make you a very supportive partner. Because of your usual drive to succeed, you can put a lot of responsibility and pressure on yourself. Finding friends or a romantic partner who can help you stop and smell the roses will be an important part of maintaining some dimension and perspective in your life.

What makes you a good partner and friend?

You believe in honest communication
You know how to be sensitive to other people's feelings
You take commitments seriously
You're one who is ambitious and goal-oriented

So now that you know about your personality and the many special qualities that you possess, it's time to learn which other types you're most compatible with in life and love. You'll also find out why those types are more suited for you than the others. Ready to find out who you connect with best?

Your most compatible types
Because you're an Intuitive Thinker (NT), you can be both creative and intellectual. NTs like you are usually very in touch with your rational side. Consequently, you're apt to appreciate those who are logical and know how to put their analytical skills to work. As a result, your most compatible types are people who are Sensing Thinkers (ST). STs are great for you for a couple of reasons. For one, they're usually on par with you intellectually. They also can be good at keeping your big ideas reined in. STs are known for being sensible and for having their feet firmly on the ground. This worldly intelligence can be very attractive to you. There are four NT/ST matches for you: ESTJ, ISTJ, ESTP, ISTP.

How to best get along with Sensing Thinkers
One of a Sensing Thinker's main strengths lies in their ability to think analytically and logically. As a result, they may sometimes have difficulty thinking outside of the box like you can. Don't be surprised if you propose something new and are met with resistance. "New" can be challenging to an ST. Rather than pushing for an immediate agreement, give them time to warm up to your idea. By moving one step at a time and not simply discarding your plans when you hear the word, "No," you're likely to find some comfortable middle ground for both of you. It can help you to realize that your Sensing Thinker needs to feel a certain level of control most times, particularly when they are in unfamiliar or unpredictable situations.

Introverts vs. extraverts: Getting along

In addition to knowing that you get along best with STs, it's important to understand how your social style and activity preferences will impact your relationships. That's where the Introversion/Extraversion dimension comes in. Check out how you're likely to get along with those who are similar to and different than you in this respect.

Extraverts and extraverts
When you're paired with another Extravert (E), life can be full of action and excitement. That's because both of you can be skilled socializers who usually enjoy meeting new people. Hanging out with a variety of friends and acquaintances probably seems quite natural to you both. So if you and your Extravert partner have the chance to curl up at home for a night or head out to a crowded party, the two of you probably race for the door. Social activities — particularly those that make you the center of attention — are natural places to find Extraverts like you. So long as the company is good, your type would almost always prefer to do an activity with others rather than going solo. It keeps your energy up and your relationship fresh.

Extraverts with introverts
You are an Extravert (E) . So when it comes time to relax and enjoy yourself and you are with an Introvert (I), it's not surprising that you'd both propose different activities. Perhaps you want to get together a group of friends to go out dancing and your extravert mate (E) would rather just make a quiet dinner together and pop in a video. Such is the nature of an I/E relationship. Keep in mind that having different preferences is not a bad thing. In fact, your different activity levels can keep life interesting for both of you and help you to grow as people. Also, as an Extravert, there are likely to be times when you really appreciate having someone to spend some down time with. The most important thing for an I/E mix to be successful is to maintain flexibility and appreciation toward one another's differences. By both making efforts to meet each other's needs, you can become a happy and well-balanced team.

Can you change types?

Although no one type is better than another, you may sometimes wish you were different from the type that you are. Remember that if you scored as an introvert, for example, this doesn't mean that you never behave as an extravert. Almost everyone can recall times when they've behaved contrary to type. It's just a question of where your behavior falls on the scale. Generally, it's not realistic to expect your personality to undergo a radical change from one extreme to the other. However, it usually is possible for someone to move closer to the middle of the spectrum. So if someone who is very introverted wanted to become more of an Extrovert, they could make conscious efforts to alter the balance of these characteristics.

Perhaps you've wanted to create more meaningful interactions with people, feeling the usual banter isn't enough. The next time you show up to a party, don't immediately flit from one person to another or head toward the center of the crowd. Instead, try to focus on having a one-on-one conversation with someone new. That way you're getting the chance to know someone on a deeper basis, yet are still being social and meeting new people. If you steer clear of turning the spotlight onto yourself and really listen to the person you're talking with, you're almost certain to learn some interesting about them.


