

[diary] Promises broken

Soul Asylum :: Promises Broken

Streets are filled with broken glass
You get buried by the past, give me just a little taste
Lay this mess to waste ... take me home
My mind is racing take me home
My body's achin'so alone
I'll make you want to stay with me
Befriended by the enemy ... one more time
And every little thing about this tells me
Nothing out there is ever gonna help me
All these words that I heard spoken
Just promises broken now
Looking outside from my window sill
Throw another coin in the wishing well
You'll never find what you're looking for
Fifteen miles, your dim light shines from so far away
Your sad smile, is all I see when I say
That every little thing about this tells me
Nothing out there is ever gonna help me
All these words that I heard spoken
Just promises broken now
From the hotel satellite
Don't look like you're living right
Here's a deal you can't refuse
You ain't got as much to lose
Can you tell your troubles to
Someone who won't laugh at you, it's all right
And as I watch you walk away
Hope a part of you would stay, it's all right
And every little thing about this tells me
Nothing out there is ever gonna help me
All these words that I heard spoken
Just promises broken now

 不知道為什麼,最近腦海裡時常響起這首歌的旋律。這是一支成軍於八0年代短暫走紅於九0年代的樂隊Soul Asylum的歌曲。忘記為什麼會擁有這張專輯,大概是因為工作的關係,但其中特別喜歡這首歌曲。這支樂隊並沒有很紅很暢銷也沒有名留樂壇,他們的成名曲是runaway train。之後他們就如許多樂團一樣轟的出現又靜靜的消失了。對他們最後的印象,就是Dave Pirner曾和Winona Ryder交往過一段時間。Dave Pirner在樂團成軍時是鼓手,後來改組時擔任主唱及吉他手。


 耳邊風即將於六月七日,在the wall首次登場表演。鼓手Godie畫的這張圖傳神又可愛,被我借來一用。耳邊風是由前藥罐枕頭套團員重新組合而成的一支三人樂隊,當天的表演歡迎大家前往欣賞。


